(written by a passenger of US Air flight 1549)
Laguardia to Weehawken (or from Grave to Save)
15 Days after the new year
Queens to the Queen City in cold NY clear
Flying in the sky with grey birds that day
From the Great White North-they got in the way
Broiled Canadians stink up the cabin
Lookin' down we're over Manhattan
Brace for impact, Sully did calmly deliver
We're takin' this b**** into the river
Back in New York from my home in the south
This is not reality comes from my mouth
Thoughts of loved ones without me and hard times ahead
When I woke up this morning, didn't expect to be dead
Big Tin can bounces along the waves
We are still in this world, not icy Hudson graves
Presence of God, open doors, sun and water
A dip off Hells Kitchen with somebody's daughter
Shivering in the life raft, Jersey looks fine,
Ferryman comes to save souls this time
155 hearts another day will beat
Miracle on the Hudson now life is so sweet