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ATA to Offer Business Class
The Indianapolis Star reports the financially strapped ATA Airlines will add business class to all 62 of its 737s and757s. The planes will have between eight and 12 first-class sized seats added in the front of each plane. Pricing for a flight between Midway and Indianapolis will be $199 to $299 as compared to the economy class price of $99. Indianapolis to LA will be $249 one way and no business class fare will exceed $399.
In October, ATA will add flight to Dallas and double the number of flights to New Yotk's LaGuardia from its Indianapolis hub.
Steve Hall | August 26, 2004 | News | Permanent link
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Did you mean to write:
"In October, ATA will add 'a' flight to Dallas"....
"In October, ATA will add 'flights' to Dallas...."
Also, you've typed a "T" instead of the "R" in New York.
You're making this too easy, really.
Posted by: Saderchick at Aug 31, 2004 1:24:14 PM
In the part of the above sentence "all 62 of its 737s and757s", there should be a space between 'and' and '757's'.
Also, in the sentence "In October, ATA will add flight to Dallas and double the number of flights to New Yotk's LaGuardia from its Indianapolis hub." the word 'flight' should either be a plural (flights) or it should say '...will add a flight.'
Posted by: Randi Clarken at Aug 31, 2004 3:32:31 PM
Nice try, but the post stating the rules (above) says that the contest starts with that post going forward. Lord knows if we let you all scour the archives we'd go broke giving out free books in a day.
Posted by: Rick Bruner at Sep 1, 2004 2:14:09 PM
"Pricing for a flight between Midway and Indianapolis will be $199 to $299 as compared to the economy class price of $99. "
ATA does not fly 757s or 737s between midway and Indianapolis. Saab 340B-Chicago Express Airlines, Inc./ATA Connection (a small 34 seat prop-plane) is the only kind that has passenger service between MDW and IND. And no business class seats are being installed on those planes.
Posted by: Boris at Oct 22, 2004 3:40:34 PM
Another fun fact...the article states that business class will be added to all "62" of the 737s and 757s. I'm not quite sure where this information was found, but research shows that ATA operates 33 737s and 28 757s (16 757-200s and 12 757-300s) for a grand total of 61 aircraft between the two fleets.
Posted by: Jon at Oct 22, 2004 3:54:50 PM